How much does recycling pollute?

The third edition of the climate survey, which makes the Banco Europeo de Inversiones (BEI), evalúa la percepción que tiene los ciudadanos sobre el cambio climático tanto en la Unión Europea como en Estados Unidos y China. They have focused their research on investigating the intentions of citizens for 2019, as well as their perception of their governments’ measures and their responsibility as those responsible for climate change.
In the case of Spain, the survey shows that 69% of citizens are willing to recycle during this year. The three main actions they are willing to take are reducing the amount of waste produced, buying local or seasonal food, and using public transportation more. Furthermore, the results show us that women are the ones who pull the car In contrast to men, for example: 49% of women are willing to buy seasonal or local food, as opposed to 34% of men.

The responsibility in the fight against climate change, according to the Spaniards, lies in the first place in the international organizations, followed by the national governments and the citizens. Despite this, when evaluating the effectiveness of the institutions, only 19% consider that they are effective, while 45% rate their own measures as effective.
At the European level, the data differs a bit, since 31% consider that it is the citizens who have the greatest responsibility. In contrast, 25% of Americans and 40% of Chinese see international institutions as United Nations to or the world Bank those with the greatest responsibility and should take the lead, followed by the citizens themselves.